Promoting a culture of growth with the aim of overcoming systemic racism

“We have to do this all at once.

We have to learn and fight at the same time. ”

Ijeoma Oluo


 We are an organisation dedicated to raising awareness about systemic racism across Stroud, Gloucestershire and the UK.


Join us for our spectacular, amazing value for money, Stroud Black History Month Festival!

On Saturday, there is something for everyone!

With a variety of talented music artists including: Instruments of Praise - a Gloucester-based gospel choir, jazz by Neil Patterson, sitar by Zariq, MC & rapper Griz-O, DJ Lady Monique and Love Music Hate Racism.

There is also going to be a poetry slam earlier in the day with a headline of talented black poets.

On Sunday we are having a film festival with films to raise awareness of Black History and what's going on in the world today in relation to Black History.

For more information and tickets go to:

Stroud Against Racism Statement on Gaza

Stroud Against Racism calls for an immediate stop to the intensifying war on Gaza, and the escalating loss of civilian life.

While we welcome the current pause in the siege on Gaza, we call for the establishment of a permanent ceasefire and for our elected representatives to demand de-escalation and a strategy for stability in the region based on adherence to international law and human rights.

Join Us!

Whether you’ve been following us for a while or are brand new here, Stroud Against Racism would love you to sign up and pledge to uphold our group values.

It takes just 2-3 minutes, and you can offer as much or as little of your time as you would like.

You can either scan the QR code or click on it to visit our pledge form. We can’t wait to hear from you!