Face to Face interview with Manny Ruiz

On the night of June 14th 2017 Manfred Ruiz lost his 12 year old niece in the fire at Grenfell. Manny talks to Polly about the friend he made in Dave, one of the firefighters on duty that day, and how they have used their friendship and their positivity to work through their grief, raising money for those affected by the tragic fire.

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InterviewsSAR Admin
September Actions

This is where we are, just four months (and many thousands of volunteer hours) in to the setting up of SAR. As always, in no particular order, as it’s all really amazing and important!

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SAR ActionsSAR Admin
August Actions

Our current projects are moving along and we are infinitely grateful to the expert consultants who are guiding us, the new partnership with Lives of Colour, the first “Walk and Talk”, and the artists who have submitted work for the Sub Rooms banners.

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SAR ActionsSAR Admin
July Actions

We agreed that we needed to do more than bang a drum, paint a sign and make our presence known.

We have been so busy behind the scenes, it’s incredible how many hundreds of hours our volunteers have put in, and so in no particular order here are some of the many projects that SAR are involved in…

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SAR ActionsSAR Admin
All Lives Matter?

“All lives matter!” has been the rallying cry of those opposed to the BLM protests. And yet, now, it seems all lives do not matter. Certainly not the life of young Abdulfatah Hamdallah who drowned last week.

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ArticlesSAR Admin
What is "Stroud Against Racism"?

Stroud has risen, from a demonstration of hundreds outside the Subscription Rooms, into Stroud Against Racism (SAR) group; a thriving local community organisation seeking to understand and tackle racism in all its multi-faceted forms.

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ArticlesSAR Admin