Smells Like Justice!

Flame and Flower’s Emma Calcutt AKA Cammy Leon speaks to SAR about her foray into the world of scents in creating her latest candle, Smells Like Justice, from which she is donating %100 of the profits to the antiracist organisation.

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ArticlesSAR Admin
October & November Actions

SAR has a new affiliation, as we have agreed an official partnership with The Local Equality Commission. Alongside the mentoring and advice we receive from Lives of Colour partnership, we feel well supported, and ready to really knuckle down to getting along with the projects in motion.

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SAR ActionsSAR Admin
Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift is defined as an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about, or doing something, is replaced by a new and different way.

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ArticlesSAR Admin
Oncoming Tsunami Of Racism

Anti-racism work is a long game, if it is to work, it must be a life long commitment. You can’t suddenly expect centuries of systemic beliefs, entrenched in the history, the education system, and the laws of a society to change overnight.

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ArticlesSAR Admin